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As Your Favorite Under The Tree


Tis the week before Christmas,
And my time’s running out!
“I can get it together,”
(Said with a hint of doubt.)

“I have so much to do,
With so little time to do it.
Just where’d the season go?
I guess I worked right through it.”

And just how does Santa know
Who’s really been naughty or nice?
Does he really keep a list?
And can he really check it twice?

I hardly have the time
To check my list but once?!
From breaking up their fights,
To policing all their stunts.

And the lists of things to buy
Is quite long and ever changing!
Seems there’s always a newer model
Requiring budgetary arranging.

But the gift I have in mind,
I have chosen just for them.
It can’t be bought or sold,
And in my opinion, tis quite a gem!

So along with all the other gifts
They’ll soon find under the tree,
There’ll be a bow upon yours truly,
The latest model – me.

For I am the newest iDad.
Call it, the version 47.
My contract lasts forever,
With coverage from here to heaven.

Battery life is limited,
With capacity issues as well.
Sometimes it’s good as new?
Sometimes it’s hard to tell?

But where ever you may go,
I’m but a button press away.
You won’t be able to lose me
For by your side I’ll stay.

Some of my features, however
Just might be weathered and worn.
That’s mostly the work of your mother,
To whom I am lovingly sworn.

There are some tools reserved
For the ones God’s chosen to give us.
Knowing they’ll come in handy
As you likely will out-live us.

Investments of my time,
The iDad will give to you.
Precious time cannot be replaced
Or one moment added to.

What time I have is yours,
And to you I freely give it.
I pray that it’s a blessing
For your life and how you live it.

And when the time does come
For you to share with others,
The blessings from your family,
Your parents and all your brothers,

I pray that time was mentioned –
Time that was spent with me.
And I pray that it was cherished
As your favorite under the tree.

Merry Christmas

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